Friday, July 31, 2015

Yay For Another Travel Day!

  We were informed by Mom&Dad last night that we would be taking a plane to Cancún instead of an 18 hour bus ride. So, instead of having to wake up early to go to the bus terminal, we got to sleep in. Check out was at 1:00 so we took our time getting packed up, playing small games on our devices, and Meg and I took a trip to Starbucks- and, just because Mom&Dad weren't there to tell me differently, I ordered a cheesecake for breakfast. It was great. When we came back it was time to leave Sheraton's nice hotel room and go out for lunch. By that time my stomach was bothering me but not enough to not go out. At the restaurant we chose, I didn't order anything but a drink. Meghan said it was probably the cheesecake that I chose to eat for breakfast, but I didn't want to admit out loud that she was right. 
 After their food was almost fully digested, we grabbed our bags and headed to the subway station.
It was a fair amount of blocks and by the end of it I was starting to wish I hadn't eaten that cheesecake. I was super pumped because I was imagining that no one would be on the subway to the airport because no one had been on it before, but I was wrong. It was fully packed with people so we held our bags tightly to our chests and were aware of space for the rest of the trip. By the time we were at the airport my shoulders were killing me, and I complained to Meghan that my bag was definitely the heaviest luggage out of our group. But when we found out that checking our bags would be free for our entire plane to Cancún, we quickly found out whose bag was really the heaviest. 
 Meghan won with her baggage weighing 11.82 kilograms, with mine being second to last at 9.82, with the exception of Dad who just packs  a toothbrush and sunscreen, if nothing at all. 
 We wandered to find our gate where the plane would off at 4:30. At 3:20, we had plenty of time, so we bought some snacks for the plane, and since I didn't eat any lunch, I was starting to get hungry, so I got some potato chips and a churro, which is the first time I've had one of those since our trip to South America. 
 The plane was giant, which makes sense considering the amount of people that were waiting in line to board. 
 The flight was short, only 2 hours, but we waited on the runway for about 30 minutes before we were allowed to get off the plane.
Sadly, Meghan wasn't feeling so great once we arrived so we tried to get to our hotel quickly.
 It was called hotel Calypso, and nice, small room that we would stay for one night. Mom&Dad and I went down to dinner while Meghan stayed in the room and tried to sleep. The food was excellent, it was actually the first meal that I finished my entire plate, plus the rice and beans plus the one chip. When we got back to the room Meghan was watching the second to last Twilight, so we knew she was feeling somewhat better. I got to sit and watch the end of it, which was pretty great, because I had a mineral water to drink while watching. 
 Meghan was pretty pumped about the next movie that was coming on, "White Chicks" but Dad said it was too late, and time to go to bed. 

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to add cheesecake to my breakfast menu! Thanks for the great suggestion Helen!!
