Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Surfs Up!

We woke up this morning to the blues outside our window, the sky, the ocean, and of course the pool. After eating breakfast at the hotel we got ready to go down to the Rinconada which is the strip of restaurants closest to our hotel. Once there, we bought water and turned to go down to the beach. We walked on a pedestrian path for a bit before reaching the stairs. After the first flight, we came around a corner to see the whole cove below us. The water further out was deep blue towards the beach it was light green. When I got down, I found dad talking to multiple surf instructors who all said it was something we just had to do. We decided to think on it -we being Dad and I, both mom and Helen were uninterested- and made our way to a set of chairs where we ordered drinks and went for a swim. After lounging around for a bit, it was time. Our instructor Ray, showed us the steps in the sand before we got in the water. They were pretty easy to do there, but once in the water it was evident that wasn't the case anymore. Dad had been surfing before and he easily stood up before falling back down into the waves. I wasn't as coordinated. It took me a while to get comfortable on the board until they brought me a new one and I had to start over again. Once I stood up the first time, I did it 3 more times before getting out to have lunch. We ate tacos at the restaurant/bar that we were sitting at and then hung out for a bit more before going back to the hotel. At the hotel we swam in the pool for a bit before leaving to eat dinner at 6. A cab took us to the downtown of Puerto Escondido and dropped us off at our restaurant. We ate looking out at the bay where all the fishing ships were. Mom and Dad both got fish, Helen got spaghetti and I got octopus. It was so good. When we left the restaurant, the street was filled with people and venders. It was kind of like a street fair but smaller. We caught a cab back to our hotel to change into swimsuits before leaving at 8:30 to go on a tour of a bioluminescent lagoon. We drove out and got on a boat with a couple other people and our guide. The stars were incredible, we could even see the milky way. Once far from the lights, the water started to light up when it was moved. When you put your hand in the water and splashed, the water around your hand would flow.  Many people went swimming, including Helen, but I stayed on the boat to watch the stars. I think I was asleep even before we got back to the hotel. We all came in, changed and immediately went to bed. Our first full day in Mexico was definitely a success.


  1. Hola! Nicely written Meghan. Sounds like fun and hope you get some more time on the board. I think Ray is really an Hawaiian (see the shaka, shaka sign!) Aloha, ya'll

  2. Octopus Yum!! I had it once in Italy and the waiter made sure that I knew what I was ordering! XO
