Friday, July 24, 2015

Final Day on the Pacific

     Got up this morning and headed back to El Cafecito for breakfast with Mike, letting the girls sleep in a bit.  The sky was a bit overcast which put a slight damper on the heat of the sun.  We bought the girls some pastries and smoothies and caught a cab back to the hotel to pack up.
     After laying around in the room and gathering our belongings back up, we checked out of the hotel and caught a cab to the bus station where we left our bags for the day, then took another cab out to Playa Zicatela (home to the enormous surfing waves).
   We walked a little bit, but the sky has cleared and the sun was blistering hot so we ducked into a beachfront restaurant and sat at a shaded table close to the roar of the waves.  Meghan volunteers to go buy cards and we sit there for an hour or so watching the waves and playing cards - at the end of the games we played, Helen counts the cards and comes up with 40.  It's then we realize that there are no 8's or 9's and while we were playing Speed and Crazy 8, not one of us noticed there were no 8's.
     We wandered up the street after our last card game looking for a place to eat and settled in a restaurant for lunch across the street from the beach, but still in range of the sound of pounding waves.

     After lunch, we moved basically across the street to Juquilita, a beachfront bar with several well shaded hammocks, where we whiled away the remaining hours swinging peacefully sipping our drinks and reading our books.  Once in a while, I would glance up in time to see a massive wave thunder in and would rush to the edge and sit and wait for another one.

  At around 6:00, we crawled out of our hammocks, walked around a bit and headed to the bus station for our overnight bus to Oaxaca.
     On the bus we were treated to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in espanol - until the lights went out and we drifted off to a fitful sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Still trying to comment but sounds like a typical MDM&H holiday
