Saturday, August 1, 2015

Driving in Mexico

Awoke in our very basic hotel for Cancun - The Calypso.  Even the pool was uninvitingly cloudy.  After the breakfast buffet I quickly caught a bus to the mall to pick up the Rental car we had reserved the night before. First car rental in Mexico for me and after the Avis rep asked me the third time whether I was sure that I didn't want to purchase additional insurance, I thought I better call Nationwide.  Turns out that we are indeed covered and off I go. I had been watching driving habits of our cab drivers and the signage is pretty good if you are paying attention - so that is my plan.
After picking up the girls and our luggage we headed into the city of Cancun to find food (and park!). Finding food took much longer than anticipated as we drove aimlessly around town. This did however provide good practice for paying attention. Finally on a side street we found some fried empanadas that hit the spot.
Back in the car it was a 2 hour drive though the flat jungle on a straight toll road with only one exit to Valladolid. We got in around 4 and jumped in the hotel pool as it is steamy hot here. Great budget tourist hotel Maria de la Luz right on the main square has a restaurant, pool and best of all, free water!  I really dislike buying plastic water bottles that I don't think are recycled. We did bring our Nalgenes so water dispensers like they have here are perfect for us.  The main square is nice and relaxing with a fountain ant the courting seats that we have seen in other South American Plazas. I think we may have broken the intention of these separated seats.

The tourist info center mentioned a special evening tour this month of the Convento San Bernardino de  Siena, a closed historical convent in the city.  Meghan was no up for this so we left her behind at the hotel and headed over by foot for the candlelight tour.  It was not just a tour but a production performed by youth of a historical revolution or battle that the convent served in some harboring capacity. This kids loved firecracker explosions (representing gunfire) that echoed off the stone walls. It was a loud and hot performance but entertaining even without our family translator.


  1. We need to reintroduce courting chairs in American cultural society it would solve a lot of problems. Don't you think?
