Sunday, August 9, 2015

Just a Day Away

I wasn't that excited to get up early and leave our sweet room in Tulum, but then again, who would be? probably Dad. He was ready to go, I could tell, by the way that he was checking us out about 10 minutes after the rest of us started to wake up.
 Being packed before was a big help, all I did was throw on some clothes, brush my teeth and dizzily walk my way to the front desk where Mom tried to check us out without Meghan's help. Except for the fact that Meghan did the survey on how great the hotel was because Mom didn't want to. So we used the restroom one last time and then got in our tiny rental car and drove downtown where we stopped and ate breakfast at a small restaurant on the street. It was pretty good, the toast tasted like the kind from Waffle House so I ate four pieces which probably wasn't that good for me but I was ready to not eat Mexican food for a long, long time.
 When our bill was payed and our stomachs were full, we walked back to our car and drove a little while to Akumal, which is where Meghan and I pointlessly argued and waited in car for Mom and Dad to go check out the lagoon nearby. However it was raining and expensive and they weren't allowed to visit it before we paid so we decided to pass and headed over to a different town, Puerto Morelos. There we stopped for a drink after we walked on the pier. I ordered a Fresca, for what I hoped wouldn't be the last time, and Meghan ordered an iced tea, with hope that it would be like the ones she got in the gas station at home. It wasn't, but I wasn't surprised because we were in a different country then what Meghan was hoping for that day.
 Afterwards we walked down a small strip of craft stores that sold everything from tablecloths with Aztec warriors on them to tiny animals who's heads swung sideways due to wind. As we walked, and admired the gadgets they had on display for us, it reminded me of being back in South America, where many people all over the streets were relentless, trying to get you to buy their things. However only one man was urgently trying to get us to come into his store, the rest of them were minding their own business, and only looking up when you set foot in their store.
 When the heat had Dad and I beat, we left the small mall and walked to the convenience store to buy little things of ice cream to get our minds off of the heat. I got a tiny bowl of chocolate and vanilla ice cream mixed, while Dad and Meghan got fruit bars, and Mom got a small bag of Chocoretas, round, green candy which our family has come to adore.
 After we paid, we sat in the shade by an old chapel that was only a couple doors down from where our rental car was parked. Having woken up early, I was a bit tired, but nothing a semi long car ride couldn't fix. On the way to Cancun, we stopped by a beach that was famous for their turtle nests. Once we paid to get in- not to swim, just to watch- I thought that the beach should have been more famous for their hermit crabs than for their turtles. On average I probably saw about 200 hermit crabs just scuttling off in different directions, and I had to pay close attention to my footsteps so I wouldn't accidentally step on one.
 After 5 minutes of being in direct sunlight, I told Dad that I knew I was getting burnt and that I was going to wait over by our car in the shade. I guess everyone else couldn't really handle that much of it either, because they all came over minutes after I did. After Dad went and checked out the cenote not far down the beach we hopped in the car and finished out drive to Cancun.
 When we reached the hotel, all I wanted to do was lie in bed and rest. And that's exactly what I got, besides the fact that Mom asked me to be ready by 5, we had a surprise for dinner. Of course, I was excited for the surprise, and Meghan and I kept bugging Mom&Dad about where we were going, but it was like they had zipped their mouths and thrown away the key.
 Moments later, however, we found out the surprise. We were eating at a restaurant called Lima, Peruvian cuisine. I was excited, I haven't had Peruvian cuisine since the days living abroad. Sadly, they were out of Inca Cola, but Dad and I ordered a chicha morada (purple corn) drink instead, and toasted to old times. For my meal, I got my dog (just kidding) but I did get the food that we named our dog afterwards, which turned out to be delicious.
 With our stomachs full and prepared to get up super early the next day for our plane trip back to America, we finished our drinks, thanked our waiters, and drove back to the hotel, where we received a mere 7 hours of sleep before we were forced awake to leave Mexico, and all the treasures that came with it.

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