Sunday, August 9, 2015

Last day at the beach

Today started off with a beautiful cloudless sky for our last day at the beach. Mom and dad went to breakfast while Helen and I hit the snooze in our cabaƱa. Everyone reunited on the beach to read books, and in Helen's case, do some summer math homework. The beach chairs were semi shaded so as long as you shifted up or down in your seat, you wouldn't get burnt like a candy cane. 
We ordered lunch from the hotel restaurant and didn't have to move at all. Helen and I split a Hawaiian Gourmet pizza, mom got friend calamari, and dad got tuna. The pizza wasn't small, but Helen and I were hungry so we polished the whole thing off. Dad went for a snorkel but didn't see much so he went back in with mom and I just to swim. "Swimming" for dad consists of throwing "snowballs" of seaweed at me and flopping around in the water like a beached whale. Mom likes to play the 'I have no idea who these people are' game. 
We tired pretty quickly and swam in, to dry off and lay in the sun for a while longer. There are tons of sea turtle nests on the beach, and on a couple days we've even seen the tracks of a momma turtle hauling her way up the street. We went for a walk to dinner and checked all of the nests to see if any were about to hatch. If a nest is sunken in a circle, it means that the eggs have hatched and the turtles just haven't crawled up yet. Sadly, none of the nests were sunken in so we made our way to dinner at Restaurante Las Estrellas at La Luna hotel.
We ordered drinks and played a couple rounds of cards before our food came. Dinner was fun, dad is pretty amusing, and we finished it off by playing some more cards. While walking home, we saw a rainbow right over the ocean. When it got dark out, I laid out in the hammock and listened to music while watching the stars. Helen and I packed up all of our things before we went to bed, and just to add in a little excitement, I spent about 5 minutes trying to catch and kill a roach before crawling into bed and hoping I killed it. 

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